It is unfortunate that there is the absence of fundamental teaching and learning materials such as white boards, marker pens, public address systems, projectors, etc. while maintainance fees forms part of our total fees. These and others impede our academic progress. To improve these, Team Legon will reintroduce a better lecture theatre policy where; the S.R.C. will present a petition to the administration to replace all faulty furniture, white boards, projectors, and all other gadgets needed to improve teaching and learning both online and face to face. A student task force will be set up by the S.R.C to report on things that needs fixing or replacement in our lecture theatres.
We the SRC, will see to it that, cumulative assessment (C.A) is pasted on the notice board for students to have a fair knowledge of their individual performances before submission to its affiliated traditional university.
To help our brothers and sisters who might fail in any of the courses, we will set up a task force made up of class secretaries from each class to compile learning notes and pdfs of each semester and keep it for future use. We will also keep the soft copies on well-structured social media platform that all students can easily get access to, if they need to make any references. As the semester progresses, the members of the task force will update their lockers and make all materials available for reference at any point in time
A major challenge we are currently facing that impedes our academics and comfort is power crisis. This is a challenge that negatively affects the progress of our academics and needs to be resolved. A petition, will hence be forwarded to the administration to support students with the school electric generator whenever there is a power cut. This is something that should have been done each and every time power goes off but I know students are wondering as to why the school’s electric generator is not used whenever there is no power. All broken street lights and non-functioning sockets in some lecture theatres and our halls of residence will be fully restored to their maximum efficiency.
To solve water crisis in the school, the SRC under my administration will set up rain catchment tanks to areas that receive adequate rainwater, a rain catchment system can be an economical solution to water scarcity. We will lobby management to support various halls on campus to purchase bigger tanks that can hold large capacity of water. These tanks will be linked to pipes connected directly from the metal drip edges of the roofs to receive enough rain water which can be used when water becomes scarce on campus.
We will also make sure the newly implemented Wi-Fi system is expanded to places that lack access to function effectively. On communication, we have started talks with some network companies to aid us in promoting our network here on campus. We have presented our petition to VODAFONE GHANA and they have started working on the challenge.
The SRC will work hand in hand with the hygiene club to replace damaged bins and make provision for additional ones to be situated at vantage points in order to control littering and promote a clean and conducive environment for all.
Advocate for better incentive packages for sportsmen and women to induce performance and make the discipline attractive to all.
Establish a committee for sports and physical fitness under the SRC, headed by the sports prefect to address all matters relating to students with respect to sports.
Reinvention of lesser-known sports. In collaboration with the SRC, tools for playing tennis and volley ball will be provided to enhance sporting activities to prevent prioritizing soccer at all times.
Certificates will be awarded to first years who participate and do well during fresher’s games to boost their urge in performing better during subsequent (general) games.
Sports also form part of education hence, what is inclusive education if visually impaired and hearing-impaired students amongst us are left out of sporting activities? Games such as talking ball and goal ball for our dear ones will equally be introduced to prevent inferiority in terms of sporting activities.
Repackage SRC week to give more attention to talent mining and more beneficial activities. The SRC in collaboration with the debater’s club and the entertainment committee will organize quizzes and debates more often and not only when we are to welcome freshers with inter-hall debates.